Find a Crew that you would like to join.
For Venturers, your first option might be to ask your Venturer Leader or District Venturer Leader to introduce you to Crews in your area.
Also, have a look at the Crew finder. Simply contact Crews using the details provided (they will love to hear from you).
The Crew contact will invite you to try out a night at their Rover Crew. Rover Crews are very good at offering transport, or addressing any other concerns, particularly if it means they find a new member. If you enjoy your visit, they should offer you a copy of their program so you can keep visiting.
Remember that all Crews are different, so don’t be afraid to try a few.
After four to six visits, you’ll be asked whether you would like to join. The Crew Leader will help you through some paperwork and you will be invested into the Crew as a Rover Squire or Trainee at a ceremony. You’re now a member of Rover Crew!
In the following months, you will learn more about Rovers, contribute to some activities and do some simple skills training so that you can become a fully-invested Rover at a significant ceremony—a transition that Rovers take seriously and often remember for decades to come.